Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Là Glas

Last Friday was Là Glas or Green Day (for all of us that cannot comprehend it) and we all had to dress up as certain Irish things like TY was Leprechaun`s (see pic). Each year got a thing they were supposed to be (like Farmers or rugby players), we all brought in €2 which was going to go to good causes.
All in all it was a good day and I hope everyone enjoyed their Paddy`s weekend :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Scifest..... :)

Last Friday we had our in school Scifest Competition and it was a whole lot of chaos.

My group were doing "the affects of amputation on swimming" in the morning we had to stick the final pieces of our project together then stick it up on the wall, we then got our table ready for when the inspector came round which consisted on all of us bringing in a swimming costume a hat and goggles to impassive what our project was about.
We were all very nervous when the judges started to come round but after the first one came and went we had gotten pretty used to what the judges would ask us and was ready for what the others could throw at us,   it was a long day but in the end it was worth it because our group got through to the next round of the competition which is on the 8th of may (or around that) .

Good Luck to anyone competing :)

Our project on Conflict: The London Riots

During the Week me, Hasana and Helena had to do a project about conflict. 

We decided to do our project on The London Riots because they weren't that long ago and they were so so close to home. 

If you would like to see it please go to this link.