Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Well off we went to our  mini company talk in the Odom Cinema, we were all, as always, excited to go and learn things to improve our company. 

When we arrived we all piled into the theatre and waited for our teacher to come in, after at least half an hour we were told that unfortunately Orla was sick and that we wouldn't be having a  talk. 

Lol the cheer that came out of the three schools that had come, we were so involuntarily happy we forgot to hope that Orla was ok, just before we were quite enough to think about Orla an associate of hers told us we were going to watch SKYFALL. 


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I have decided to do a video blog about the fun walk instead of always typing :)

Enjoy !


Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Our first activity of the day was going out Kayaking, we were all VERY excited but quite nervous about getting into the cold water.

Our instructor Erin showed us where we had to get our wet suit, how to put it on right and where we could go to change.

After getting changed we came out and was given life jackets and paddles and told how to use them and (with the life jackets) which way was the right/safe way to put them on.

We then was brought down to the sea side and told which part of the kayak was the front and back and how to shimmy ourself into the sea. 

After a while of, going the wrong way, falling in (me) and getting completely soaked by your trainer (again me) we finally got to an old tunnel where we were told there was a waterfall in which if you stay under the water for 10 seconds you would have an extra day of life :D.

When we finished this we kayaked back to shore and we played two games!!!
1. Colours- we were given two colours and when the instructor (Erin) said our colour we had to (while linked with another 2 girls) lie back and kick our legs splashing everyone else.
2. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes- we had to sing the song and every time Erin said toes we had to duck our head into the water- it didn't go down very well :D.

A cheer went up when we were told we were going pier jumping. It was AMAZING fun and a little bit nerve racking but all in all we enjoyed that activity and looked forward to lunch :3 

Friday, September 21, 2012


Carlingford.... just saying the name brings back so many good memories :D.

 We started off our adventure to Carlingford at 7am standing freezing ourself to death waiting for the buses to come take us there, it was a 2hr bus ride and yet it only felt like minutes because everyone was singing talking and just enjoying themselves.
A big cheer went up when we finally arrived at Carlingford and we got off the bus feeling excited and anticipating what activities we are going to do  

St Wolstan's TY: If I had a boat.......

St Wolstan's TY: If I had a boat.......: .....I'd go out on the water! TY's go kayaking at Carlingford.

Man I`m soo embarrassing at the end :D

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

                      Life without Limits 

After big lunch we went to room 20 and meet a man called Austin Dunne who was going to talk about how we can get so much more out of life if we learn to stay positive and how as we grow up we should go for as many things as possible and set goals that we may think are impossible but might not be that impossible.
We were split into groups and were told to write down factors that we want to accomplish in T.Y.
It was quite interesting to see what everybody wanted to accomplish like getting new friends or getting more confidence within yourself.
After a while we were told to stand up and look at the board, we were shown different pictures and asked what we saw, there was many different types like a old lady and a young lady, a clown  face but was really a circus.
All in all it was a good day and I am looking forward to other workshops :)

Feel Free to Comment !!!!!!



 Hey Everyone, Roisin here here is part 2/3

After lunch we went to room 21 and meet Brenda and Kate, who were in to teach us about personal hygiene , manners, what to things to wear at work and what make up we should use.

We first started off with a general knowledge quiz (which had nothing to do with what they were doing), after that Kate told us that we were being passed around a roll of tissue and to take as little or as much tissue as we wanted and this showed how much toilet paper we take through the day.
If you`re wondering I made mine big enough to make a scarf (NOT on purpose), much to the amusement of my friends <3, we got onto their power point and started off with personal hygiene.

In personal hygiene we learnt that if your are going to wear tights you should go for a 7 non ladders type, also if you`re going to work you should always shave your legs because no one wants to see your  hairy legs(Yuck!), we then went on to the importance of keeping your feet clean and that if you do not you run the risk of a... IN GROWN  TOENAIL which honestly looks horrible on a screen.

Lastly we got to use our tissue paper and see what kind of face we had (I had an Oval) and what would go with your face E.g Glasses, hair, Make up, unfortunately we ran out of time and did not have time to get to make up or clothes which was a shame because that was the most (to me) vital pieces of information.

Feel free to comment :P 


                         POSITIVE PARTY.

Hey everyone Roisin here here part 1/3 all about my first T.Y workshop 

We started of our day by going into our school library at 9:05 and being meet by our library transformed into a party place, there was posters all around the room with banners, there was an Ipod and dock which indicated that we would definitely be getting up and either dancing or singing.

Me and two other girls soon realised that it was both, We volunteered to go up and ended up putting on a blond and purple streaks, Black mullet and a blond Afro hair do and singing Mamma Mia while shaking tambourines and  trying to sing while not laughing (impossible), but we were rewarded by getting a Curly Wurly (yum!).

We then learnt that even in times when we are feeling a little down, we can anchor a happy feeling by firstly remembering the happy thought, then using all the senses remember what you tasted, what you smelt, what you felt and lastly what you heard.

This then lead to the hole class doing the Hokey Pokey except with behaviour, attitude, thoughts and feelings, then lastly sharing with the class one thing you were thankful for <3 

Feel Free to Comment :) 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First week of T.Y

                                                WELCOME TO MY T.Y BLOG !!!!!!!!!!!!.

Hi everybody!!, Roisin here :).

I am going to be blogging about all my experiences within T.Y, like Carlingford (only TWO weeks left!), Junk Kouture and all the workshops that we do if you do decide to do T.Y.

I know there is people out there that says that T.Y is a doss year or is a waste of a year but I have a few points that might change your mind about it.

  1. You get to make new friends!!!!! :D , when you go into 1st year anywhere you get assigned your class and unlike T.Y you have to stay with them for three whole years, where as in 4th year you can choose a friend you would like to be in the same class and when you get put into groups for projects  you`re instantly making three or four new friends from groups you may not really talk to or someone you did not really know.
  2. You get WAY more confidence not only with yourself but with other people, if you are shy T.Y would help you get more confidence talking with other people and going in front of a crowd and make a speech about something you have done because you have A LOT of projects to do and you generally have to present it to your class.
  3. In fourth year you get to do all subjects which is very handy because instead of rushing into a subject you think you like for the Leaving Cert (horrible thought) you have time to try out every one and see if you would enjoy to continue it or drop as soon as you can *Cough Business Cough*.
4.You get to experience how a work day works, applying to places, getting rejected :(, getting places :D, arranging transport to and from work. This gives you the opportunity to see what type of work you cannot stand and the ones you never want to end :)

I hope ^ has informed you a little more of what type of things you do in T.Y, I hope you have had a very good first week and I shall be blogging again next Tuesday !!!! and I hope you will read it ! <3

Roisin :D